
2022-08-09 教育 194阅读
If a man could be two places at one time 如果一个人可以同时分身两处
I\'d be with you 我选择和你在一起
Tomorrow and today 今天,明天
Beside you all the way 一直陪伴在你身旁。
If the world should stop revolving 如果世界可以停止旋转
Spinning slowly down to die 慢慢的停止转动
I\'d spend the end with you 我将和你共度余生
And when the world was through 当世界畅通无阻
Then one by one the stars would all go out 星星一颗颗熄灭
And you and I would simply fly away 你我将飞向天边

If a picture paints a thousand words 如果图画能画出千言万语
Then why can\'t I paint you? 为什么我却画不出你?
The words will never show the you I\'ve come to know 千言万语也描绘不出我曾经认识的你
If a face could launch a thousand ships 如果一个人可以发动一千艘船
Then where am I to go? 那我将要去哪里?
There\'s no one home but you 家中无人,只有你
You\'re all that\'s left me too 你是我仅有的一切
And when my love for life is running dry 当我对生活的热爱逐渐枯萎
You come and pour yourself on me你来到身旁向我倾注