
2022-08-16 时尚 61阅读
一件唐装- a traditional Chinese garment

举行班级的时装表演- hold a class fashion show

一件棉质女式上衣- a cotton blouse

想要一件羊毛长裙- want a woolen dress

由天然材料制成- made by natural material

对这件皮夹克感到满意- be satisfied with this leather jacket

在特别的日子里- in these special days

取决于一个人的好恶- depend on one's likes and dislikes

几乎一样- almost the same

在华北- in the north China

有着相同的着装风格- have the same wear style

按照下面的文章- according to the following aticles

引起某人注意- capture one's notice

在当今社会- nowadays

正如俗语所讲- as the words going

为你们做制服- the uniforms for you

允许我们设计自己的校服- allowe us to design our own uniforms

采访一位女警察- review a policewoman

穿便衣- be undercover

执行特殊任务- implement special actions

着装得体- wear formally

脱掉鞋子- take off the shoes

商务服- the business clothes

即将坍塌的天花板- the ceiling that is about to cave in

隐蔽在森林里- hide in the forest

在机场- at the aiport

一位穿制服的飞行员- a pilot that wears uniform

建议苗条的女孩穿暖色衣服- suggest that slim girls wear warm-color clothes

着装艺术- the art of wearing

给他一些建议- give him some advice

名模- famous model

展示时装- show the new fashions

有两个口袋的棕色裤子- the pants with two pockets

一件紫色长裙- a purple dress

T型台中央的模特- the model in the middle of the T stage

中国妇女的传统服装- the traditional clothes of Chinese women

在高级时装领域- in the field of the high-ranking fashions

穿着少数名族服装- wear the minority-nationality clothes

至于其他人- as for other people

代表中国服装文化- represent Chinese clothing culture

其他一些亚洲国家- some other Asian countries

一些装饰品- some dressings

最受青睐的服装- the clothes that is be fond of

曾经 一度- once

在婚礼这样的特殊场合- on the special occassions like wedding

在服装店外面- out of the clothing shop

(服装)过时了- outdated
