书面表达。 下面四幅图片描述的是,星期一早晨李华在上学路上经历的一件事。请根据图片所提供的信息

2020-05-02 教育 87阅读
One possible version
      It was snowing heavily on Monday morning. Li Hua was at the bus stop, waiting for Bus No.601 to go to
school. After a while, a bus came and she got on it. There were many passengers in the bus. Some were
talking and some were looking out of the windows. Suddenly the bus stopped. The driver turned around and
said, "Sorry. The bus has broken down. Please get off and help push the bus." When they heard this, Li Hua
and the other passengers got off the bus. They worked hard together, pushing the bus slowly forward. Soon
the bus was running again. All the passengers were smiling and the sun was shining.
