
2020-09-11 教育 268阅读
)、小型爬行动物(Small reptile)、鱼类(Fish)和谷物(Cereal)。它们喜欢吃刚发芽的玉米(Corn),所以常被农民毒死。
(3)北极熊在熊科动物家族中属于正牌的食肉动物,它们主要捕食海豹,特别是环斑海豹,此外也会捕食髯海豹、鞍纹海豹、冠海豹。除此之外,它们也捕捉海象、白鲸、海鸟、鱼类、小型哺乳动物(Polar bear in the bear family cats belong to a genuine predator, mainly preying on seals, especially ringed seals, bearded seals also will prey, saddle pattern seals, crown seals. In addition, they also capture the walrus, beluga whales, seabirds, fish, small mammals)
(The main predator robin worms, caterpillars, beetles, flies, snails, weevils, spiders, termites and wasps, is a beneficial bird agriculture, in particular, welcomed by farmers. However, it sometimes eating berries and fruit. )
(6)山鹰,捕食家禽和小型鸟类,但通常以小型哺乳类、爬虫类和昆虫为食。(Predatory birds and small birds, but usually in small mammals, reptiles and insects)
(7)非洲象,以野草、树叶、树皮、嫩枝等为食(To weeds, leaves, bark, young shoots for food, etc.)
亚洲象,以野草、树叶、竹叶、野果等为食(To weeds, leaves, bamboo leaves, wild fruit, such as food)
(8)鹿以树芽和树叶为食(Tree buds and leaves for food)
(9)彩龟,喜食动物性食物,如鱼、猪肉、动物内脏、蚌、螺及血虫(摇蚊幼虫)、红丝虫(水蚯蚓)、黄粉虫(面包虫)、蝇蛆等。最爱吃虾。也食菜叶、米饭、瓜果等植物。(Preference of animal food, such as fish, meat, animal offal, clam, snail and blood worms (midge larvae), red immitis (water earthworms), Tenebrio molitor (insect bread), such as fly maggots. Also eat leaves, rice, fruits and other plants)