
2020-09-04 教育 94阅读
Many famous quote about the spread of good faith, such as "Man does not stand, the country no letter is not strong." "Man Without faith, I wonder if it could have." "Stands by its word, line must be fruit." And so on. Indeed, integrity is the premise of everyone to settle down. Life in this world, every day we are dealing with different people, if lost others for their basic trust, we not become everyone avoided loner?

Honesty is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. Honest people like countless stars, shining in the course of history. Shang Yang standing trust, people gained confidence, thereby implementing the new law; Yu Pian assumes letter, won the respect of the world; Jizha hanging sword but Xuguo Guo Jun aspiration, transferred to eternal story.
Temporal changes can be tempting integrity still flashing light. Many great men but also the integrity of the stick and force Walker. Deputy Chairman of the State when Soong, once promised kindergarten children "June" to go visit them, but "June" sudden change in weather that day, the next stop downpour, the teacher and the kids all thought she would not go a. Available at the agreed time, Soong familiar figure appeared in their vision, the kids excited, but also moved to tears left, and afterwards she said:. "Now I say, you have trustworthy"
However, in the 21st century, the integrity of some of the virtues but was gradually forgotten and lost.
Do not you see, in order to reap huge profits, businesses have water to pork, seafood soaked in formalin, Do not you see, uncommon cigarettes alcohol, poisonous rice, inferior milk powder, black cotton, devastated much fresh life! The face of those endless liar, very hard to detect deception, deceptive products, frustration and helplessness in the goodness of people behind, even more frightening, the whole social system being honest and trustworthy unprecedented serious impact!
Do not say these indifference nothing to do with me, but no appointment time with the students on time, plagiarism cheating in the examination room, after graduating from the delay in the repayment of student loans, which do not occur in our midst thing? What qualifications do we have to say has nothing to do with me? Perhaps you will say, these are just trivial, it is time for the event, I will naturally honest. As everyone knows, noble character is a little bit of training by the normal accumulation from in front of the little things still can not in good faith strict self-discipline, what about events? Develop an inertia in the little things will only make us farther and farther away from the integrity of the road.
No human integrity, is a bleak and barren world. We integrity of others, is paid by the sincerity and trust, friendship and respect for harvest. This is an intangible asset, which is a heavy priceless. As the integrity of the foundation of our life will be more stable buildings, carrying integrity of the road, our journey of life will be more colorful!
Honesty is like a pool of clear water secluded, quiet, indifferent, beautiful, simple but clean it yourself face to the people to show their beauty. Is such a secluded lake clear lake, make our life more perfect.
Embark on the journey again, when the road to bring honesty, and let us always this way with integrity counterparts!
