dell服务器 R720 开机初始化iDRAC失败,无法进入生命周期控制器界面

2022-07-27 综合 1349阅读
1、 升级idrac卡的firmware

该版本的bug fix中提到过一点:
? Fix for issues that
cause iDRAC7 sluggish responsiveness after a prolonged period of time
(approx. 45-100 days, depending on the usage). In some cases, if the
iDRAC is not reset, the iDRAC may become unresponsive and requires a
server AC Power on reset. This issue was introduced in firmware release
1.50.50 and fixed in 1.56.55.


2、 杀掉超时连接会话
a. 重启bmc卡
执行命令: ipmitool mc reset cold 即可,将bmc卡重启后,所有的session都会重置释放。

b. 杀掉超时会话
ipmitool lan set 1 access on

iDRAC 设置 => 服务 => VNC 服务器 => 超时

iDRAC 设置 => 网络 => IPMI 设置 => 启用 LAN 上的 IPMI

同时,建议把web server及ssh服务的timeout值适当调低:
iDRAC 设置 => 服务 => Web Server => 超时
iDRAC 设置 => 服务 => SSH => 超时
iDRAC 设置 => 服务 => Telnet => 超时
iDRAC 设置 => 服务 => VNC 服务器 => 超时

利用 racadm 工具(racadm工具的安装自行搞定)关闭超时会话,首先可以查看当前的会话连接情况,例如:
[ 15:41:10-root@fzdm-10-59-xx-xx:~ ]#racadm -r 10.59.xx.xx -uroot -p”xx” getssninfo
Security Alert: Certificate is invalid ? self signed certificate
Continuing execution. Use -S option for racadm to stop execution on certificate-related errors.
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