小学4年级颐和园 课文 翻译成英语

2022-08-17 教育 151阅读
Beijing's Summer Palace is a beautiful large park.
The door into the Summer Palace, around the hall, came to the famous promenade. Green paint of the pillars, red paint railings, see the end. This gallery some seven meters long, divided into 273. Each cross has colorful paintings on the threshold, painted figures, flowers, landscapes, thousands of picture that no two are the same. Corridor on both sides of the flowers grown intensively, the flowers not welcome, which also opened flowers. The breeze from blowing the lake of the left, people refreshing.
Finish the corridor, came to the foot of Longevity Hill. Looked up, a three-story octagonal pagoda-shaped building stands on the hillside, with yellow glazed tiles shine. That is, Tower of Buddhist Incense. The following rows of palace, is Paiyun Dian.
Boarded the Longevity Hill, standing in front of Tower of Buddhist Incense Looking down the Summer Palace in the eyes closed most of the scenery. Lush trees, set off with yellow and green glazed tile roofs and red wall. Is in front of Kunming Lake quiet like a mirror, like a piece of green jasper. Boat, boats on the lake and slowly glide, almost without leaving little trace. Overlooking the east, could see the dim towers and several old White Tower in the city.
Down from the Longevity Hill! Is Kunming Lake. Long embankment around the Kunming Lake, the dike has a good stone bridge several different styles, both sides planted with numerous weeping willows. Center of the lake there is a small island, from afar, a verdant island, the trees in the exposed corner of the palace. Visitors through the long stone bridge, you can go play on the island. This stone bridge with seventeen dong, called Seventeen Arch Bridge; bridge railings have hundreds of stone pillars, pillars are carved with a lion. So many lions, different attitude, no two are the same.
Summer Palace, the beautiful scenery everywhere, that can express, I hope you have a chance to thin Touring.