
2020-06-11 教育 68阅读
While calling the world's most popularsport "soccer" is typically depicted as a symbol of Americanignorance, the reason we don't call it "football" like the rest ofthe world is actually Britain'sfault.
The word "soccer" is a Britishinvention that British people only stopped using about 30 years ago, accordingto a new paper by University of Michigan professorStefan *河蟹*manski.
“soccer”这个单词是英国人的发明,根据密歇根大学Stefan *河蟹*manski教授在一份论文中的说法,英国人直到30年前才停止使用这种说法。
The word "soccer" comes from theuse of the term "association football" in Britain, and it goes back 200years.
In the early-1800s a bunch of Britishuniversities took "football" — a medieval game — and started playingtheir own versions of it, all under different rules. To standardized thingsacross the country, these games were categorized under different organizationswith different names.
One variant of the game you played withyour hands became "rugby football." Another variant came to be knownas "association football" after the Football Association formed topromote the game in 1863, 15 years after the rules were made at Cambridge.
"Rugbyfootball" became "ruggle" for short. "Associationfootball" became "soccer."
"Rugby football"后来简称成"ruggle"。而"Association football"后来简称成了“soccer”。
After these two sports spread across the Atlantic, Americans invented their own variant of thegame that they simply called "football" in the early 1900s.
"Association football" became"soccer" in America,and what was called "gridiron" in Britainbecame simply "football" in America.
The interesting thing here is that Britsstill used "soccer" regularly for a huge chunk of the 20th century.Between 1960 and 1980, "soccer" and "football" were"almost interchangeable" in Britain, *河蟹*manski found.
有趣的是,在20世纪的大部分时间里,英国仍然习惯的称呼足球为"soccer"。*河蟹*manski 教授发现,1960年到1980年间,在英国,"soccer" 和 "football"这两种叫法几乎是可以互换的。
Then everything changed (via *河蟹*manski):
"Since 1980 the usage of the word'soccer' has declined in British publications, and where it is used, it usuallyrefers to an American context. This decline seems to be a reaction against theincreased usage in the USwhich seems to be associated with the highpoint of the NASL around 1980."
“从1980年代以来,英国出版物中越来越少用到'soccer',如果有使用到的话,那也是用来指代美国足球的。英国对这个单词的少用似乎是对美国对这个词的多用所做出的反应,1980年代左右,北美足球联赛(NorthAmerican Soccer League)异常的火爆。
British people stopped saying"soccer" because of its American connotations.
So no, it's not wrong to call it"soccer" if you're American.
Trident 3 hours ago
Lived in London during the mid-70's and never onceheard the game referred to as soccer (although I never heard anyone disparage theterm soccer there, either).
Think the Aussies refer to it as soccer, too.
Go USA!!!(although we could use a good nickname, like Australia's Socceroos).
GerryInColorado 53 minutes ago
Brits call it football.Americans aren't British - since 1776
also, in America it's:
a field not a pitch
a cleat not a boot
sudden death not golden goal
a game not a match
zero not nil
球场叫field 而不是 pitch
防滑鞋叫cleat 而不是 boot
一球制胜叫suddendeath 而不是 goldengoal
比赛叫game 而不是 match
0叫zero 而不是 nil
buck 1 hour ago
The story never mentions it, but the termfootball goes back centuries and has nothing to do with kicking the ball. Itmeans a game on your feet and not on a horse
Derek Smith 48 minutes ago
Why is it every time some stupidconservative has to show off their proud arrogance and ignorance about howsoccer is inferior to American sports? AND THEN these conservatives pointfingers to the rest of the world about how they should learn more from us. Whenforeigners defend their countries against our conservatives, our conservativesblame Obama for Americalosing people's envy and respect around the world.
Bobby 1 hour ago
I've wrote many papers on this in college.The only thing I had not heard yet was the reason for the name. Thanks Yahoo! Finally,a story I can say is completely useful :)
Jes 6 minutes ago
amazing really...so instead of learning andcalling it 'football' as the name of game is...we continue with our ignorance,calling it soccer...because we're American.
william 33 minutes ago
I don琀 buy it. My dad has a Britishpublication from that late 50s in which they refer to Football, nothing on''soccer''. By the way, Football (soccer) hardly exists in Canada since when it comes tosports, they are basically an american colony.
FC1 57 minutes ago
Whatever helps the americans sleep atnight. Always trying to make their version of things so the rest of the worldcan catch on but in this case they have failed miserably. Football is Football& Rugby is Rugby. The nfl is a mix of bothRugby & Football. So in reality it is a copy and its name should be changedimmediately.
这一切都是美国人为了让自己在夜里能够睡得舒服。美国人总是想创造出自己的版本,然后要求全世界都跟随,但是在足球的叫法上,美国人彻底的输了。Football 就是Football,Rugby (英式橄榄球)就是Rugby。美国的全国橄榄球联盟(National Football League)其实是英式橄榄球和足球的结合体,所以事实上这是美国在模仿,应该马上对名字进行修改。
brjbbrjb 9 hours ago
It's actually kind of amazing that Americadid not adopt another official language like French, German, of even Spanishconsidering history.
Cephalopod 1 hour ago
What this American doesn't explain is WHYon earth did the septics decide to call gridiron - football? This "academic" is writing complete and utter rubbish. Being born in 1934, myfather NEVER called football by the name " soccer". Classic Americanrevisionist historical rubbish.
Charles 11 minutes ago
American Football dates back to 1880.
Andy 1 hour ago
I don't see the big deal.
Americans and British have been feuding over words for years.
Cookie and biscuit.
Air and aero.
Semi and lorry.
Football and soccer.
Cookie 和 biscuit.
Air 和 aero.
Semi 和 lorry.
Football 和 soccer.
WingChang 3 hours ago
To call FOOTball a sport that you play withyour HANDS, it stupidity at its best. The only reason it's called SOCCER in thiscountry is to protect the NFL and college leagues. That is bound to change verysoon.