急!1、翻译下列内容~~ 2、语言艺术对于商务谈判的作用或者意义

2020-06-25 教育 59阅读
The Role (and importance) Language Art Plays in Business Negotiations
The process of a business negotiation is, as a matter of fact, a process of mutual coordinating, view exchanging in the effort of reaching an agreement by means of language between the two parties. Negotiators' language skills are mainly shown in how effectively and accurately they convert their thoughts into verbal language. Inappropriate approaches may not only bring conflicts between the two parties, but also may fail a potential trade, or even worse, cause economic losses. Language skills may play a vital part in the success of bussniss negotiations. Therefore, to have a good understanding as well as a mastery of language skills is the key for two parties to come to terms.